Improve the Health of Your Skin

At Rejeuvine Med Spa in Cardiff we focus on our clients looking and feeling their best. We offer the most advanced skin care treatments available to enhance, improve, and beautify your overall skin health. As a medical spa, we offer Botox treatment, laser hair removal, body sculpting, and vein treatments along with many additional options to rejuvenate and restore your skin.

Get Ready For a Special Event

Maybe your high school reunion is coming up or you have a wedding to attend where you want to look and feel your best. Rejeuvine Med Spa offers Botox treatments and Dysport injectables. A dramatic treatment for lines and wrinkles, both offer long lasting results. Botox treatments are a non-surgical approach to anti-aging, most commonly used for moderate to severe frown lines. Injections take only a few minutes and results last for up to 3 or 4 months.

Ready to Avoid Shaving?

Laser hair removal technology has made huge advancements. Gone are the days of razors, hot wax, and depilatory creams. Laser hair removal is a FDA approved hair removal treatment. It can be used to remove hair from nearly any part of your body, regardless of your skin tone. Several visits are required to achieve the greatest results.

Long Term Vibrant Skin

Using the non-invasive laser Genesis we are able to improve wrinkles and diffuse redness, as well as reduce overall pore size. This procedure does not require any downtime and causes little discomfort. We recommend treatments every 2-3 weeks for 5 sessions to receive the ultimate benefits to your skin.

Come In For a Consultation

Join us at Rejeuvine Med Spa in Cardiff for a free consultation where you will receive a session with the Emage Image Pro. The Image Pro captures images of UV damage, clogged pores and more. This will allow us to create a customized treatment plan to reverse and repair skin damage while promoting a healthy and youthful appearance.

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