Top 7 Benefits of Laser Hair Removal

Did you know that projections predict that the hair removal market will be worth over 1.3 billion dollars by 2022? Between shaving, waxing, plucking, and more, there is no shortage of options for removing hair.

One other option is laser hair removal. People are sometimes scared off by laser treatments because they think it sounds painful. This is actually not the case. Laser hair removal as quality med spas and clinics can actually be relaxing!

Still on the fence about getting laser treatment? We think you will soon be all for it. Keep reading below for seven amazing benefits of laser hair removal! After learning these, you will be scheduling your appointment right away.

1. Precision

One of the major selling points to laser treatments is the level of precision that is possible. Laser treatment can target dark and coarse hair while not touching the skin nearby. This is different than shaving or waxing.

Your skin may feel a little sensitive, but the goods news is that the laser only impacts the hair follicle long term.

It is important to note that laser treatments work best for fair skin and dark hair. This is because when there is a contrast between the two, the laser can target the hair follicles much easier.

If you have dark skin tones, don’t worry though. Many facilities have lasers and equipment specifically designed for dark skin tones.

2. No Need to Wait for Growth

When you go in for a waxing, you can’t shave leading up the appointment. Meaning if your med spa is busy, you may have to deal with fuzzy legs longer than you’d like.

Laser treatments are different. There doesn’t have to be any regrowth for it to work. You can shave between appointments as much as possible until the hair is gone.

It’s actually beneficial to shave because it stops the hair from getting burned by the laser.

3. Goodbye Shaving and Razor Burn

Shaving is common, but it isn’t that kind to our skin. Accidental cuts, razor burn, and bumps are all things that happen to most of us at least once. Choosing laser hair removal treatments lets you avoid all these things.

After a few treatments, you will even be able to say goodbye to your razor forever.

4. Benefits of Laser Hair Removal: Money Saved

In addition to never needing to buy razors and replacement blades ever again, you will also save money on shaving cream. If you ever went for waxing services, you will save by avoiding those as well.

While you may spend a few hundred dollars per laser session, think about how much you spend on shaving items in a month. Over a lifetime, you will save money by going with laser treatments.

You will also save time over the course of your life by ditching the razor and wax. Both can take time away from other important duties like work or spending time with family.

5. Lesser Chance of Ingrown Hairs

If you’ve had only one, you know ingrown hairs are painful and annoying. Even the most careful shavers can get them. Because the laser isn’t tugging on the hairs as shaving does, you will not risk any ingrown hairs.

This means no ugly bumps from painful hairs. This is especially great for women who struggle with ingrown hairs near their bikini line.

Laser treatments can even target current ingrown hairs you may have. This means they will resolve much quicker!

6. Speedy Treatments

While you likely will need many laser treatments to get near permanent results, individual sessions will be quick, especially if you target small areas.

Each time the laser pulses, it can actually impact multiple hair follicles at the same time. The area covered is about the size of a quarter. This means areas like the upper lip can are treatable in a matter of seconds.

Larger areas like legs though could take up to an hour. In these cases, it is possible to split treatments and do upper legs one day and lower legs on a separate day.

7. Minimal Side Effects

Finally, a huge factor making laser hair removal appealing is the limited side effects you could encounter. As mentioned, going with laser means you avoid shaving side effects like ingrown hairs and razor burn.

Any sensitivity you may feel after an appointment will subside within a day or two. There is a risk for changes in skin pigment color, but this is usually small and only temporary.

Your skin may feel like it has a slight sunburn for a few days. Using cool packs and moisturizers will help alleviate this.

To limit the risks of pigment changes, avoid sun before and after treatments. If sun exposure concerns you, consider getting laser treatments during the winter or months where you don’t have any major sunny vacations scheduled.

Prepping for an Appointment

To prepare for a laser treatment appointment, there are a few tips your med spa or technician will appreciate you know. Avoid plucking and waxing for a few weeks before your first treatment. Shaving is okay.

This is because when you pluck or wax, you temporarily remove the root, which is what the laser targets.

Be sure to do your research and read online reviews of any facility you are planning to visit. This will ensure you visit a reputable location and receive high-quality results.

On Your Way to Smooth, Flawless Skin

As you can see, there are so many great benefits of laser hair removal. Regardless of the area, you want to treat, you are bound to be happy with the results.

You are close to a life free of expensive razors and unsightly ingrown hairs. What is stopping you?

Are you feeling excited? Please reach out to talk about scheduling a consultation. We would love to get you started on your hair-free journey!

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