How You Can Prepare Your body For Spider Vein Removal

Roughly one out of every five people deal with spider and varicose veins.

If you’re among them, we understand that you might feel insecure about the way that they look. Perhaps you’re also uncomfortable physically. You’ve looked into spider vein removal, but you want to understand more about what you can expect from the process.

You’re especially curious about what you can do to prepare yourself for varicose veins injections and other treatment options.

We’re here to help talk you through the process.

In this post, we’ll tell you how to get ready for your spider vein treatment. We’ll also fill you in on where you can find compassionate and expert care.

Understanding Spider Veins

Before we talk more about how to physically prepare for spider vein removal, we also want to ensure that you have an understanding of what they are what can cause them.

Most spider veins happen because your blood isn’t able to move throughout your body in the correct direction. This happens because of closed or poorly-functioning valves in the body. Over time, your blood actually builds up, causing both spider and varicose veins.

While the majority (about 60%) of spider veins happen because of this venous insufficiency, other times, it can be purely hereditary.

It can also happen because you work a job that requires you to be on your feet a lot, are obese, or even due to the way you sit. If you sit at a desk for a long period of time, gravity stretches out the veins, weakening your valves and causing blood flow problems.

In short?

There are lots of reasons why you might need spider vein treatment. Now, let’s talk about how to get ready for the process and what to expect from the actual treatment.

What to Expect from Sclerotherapy

One of the top spider vein removal techniques is known as sclerotherapy.

In a nutshell, these are varicose veins injections that help to encourage the valves we mentioned earlier to close and function properly. The sclerosant is injected into the veins, which actually makes the lining of your blood pressure vessels collapse.

The blood will then clot, become scar tissue, and fade.

You will likely feel a small amount of pain during the procedure. However, the good news is that it will only take about 15-30 minutes depending on the amount and severity of the veins you do have.

In some cases, you may need to come back for multiple sessions.

Before you have the procedure, there are a few things you should talk to your team about. You may need to stop taking the medication for a few weeks before or after your procedure.

Let them know which medications you’re taking, including vitamins and other health supplements. This is important because certain medications can put you at a higher risk for bleeding.

This is especially essential if you’ve been prescribed any kind of blood thinner medication.

Keep in mind that if you are currently pregnant, you likely won’t be able to have the spider vein removal until after you give birth.

It’s also a smart idea to take a quick look at your diet. Especially if you suspect that your veins may have something to do with your weight? Hit the gym or even go for walks in the weeks leading up to your spider vein removal treatment.

Finally, it goes without saying that you should only have the procedure performed by a licensed and certified professional.

Ask about their experience level, their education, and more about their qualifications to ensure you’re making a good choice.

How to Prepare the Day Of Spider Vein Removal Treatment

There are a few more things you should make sure to do as your treatment day gets closer.

First of all, many professionals recommend that you stop taking aspirin and ibuprofen for about 72-24 hours before your procedure. The same goes for antibiotics if it all possible.

Again, this is just to ensure that you don’t have any kind of an adverse reaction to the medication in the injection.

It might sound a bit obvious, but you should also wear comfortable and loose clothes to the appointment. You shouldn’t expect to feel an extreme amount of pain, but tight, constricting clothes just aren’t a good idea.

Another thing to keep in mind when you’re ready to go in for a spider vein treatment?

Stop using lotion on your legs (or wherever you plan to get the injections) the day before your procedure.

The truth is that the procedure is fairly minor. If you take the time to follow all of the rules we’ve mentioned here, you should expect to have a smooth and comfortable recovery.

Ready to Get Rid of Spider Veins?

We hope that this post has helped you to better understand not just how spider vein removal works, but also what you can do to make sure that you’re ready.

Remember to be honest with your doctor about your health and medical history, follow the rules set in place by your team, and always ask any questions.

Of course, the most important thing is to choose a team of varicose vein injection specialists you know you can trust. That’s where we come in to help you.

We’re dedicated to making sure that you feel comfortable before, during, and after the procedure. We know that you’re going to absolutely love your results.

Ready to start loving yourself more? Schedule a consultation with us today.

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