Juvederm vs. Botox: What You Should Know

Nowadays there is no need to go under the knife to look younger. There are so many nonsurgical options for rejuvenating one’s skin and reducing the appearance of wrinkles.

If you are considering ways to enhance your appearance, you probably know a little bit about some of the market’s most popular products. Botox is widely praised and used by men and women of all ages. Depending on your particular needs, it may be the perfect treatment for you.

However, there is a wide variety of other products out there. Juvederm is another well-known product that offers an alternative way to look your best.

If you are trying to decide the case of Juvederm vs. Botox, let’s examine the facts about each product. Then you can be the judge as to what treatment is right for you.

A. Botox

How Does It Work?

Botox is considered one of the most reliable, fastest working treatments for eradicating fine lines. It is made from a natural ingredient which causes the muscles to relax, thus lessening the appearance of deep grooves and lines in the skin.

Botox works by making the muscles which cause wrinkles move less. Because it reduces muscle activity, the folds in your skins will look less prominent.

When you get Botox, you will be given a series of injections in the area you are targeting like your forehead, crow’s feet or upper lip). The procedure doesn’t take very long and most people find that it feels like a small pinprick.

You can usually go right back to your normal daily activity with no more than a little redness.

Where Is it Used?

You can use Botox on almost any area of your face.

Many people use it on their forehead in between their eyebrows to reduce those annoying frown lines. You can also use it on the sides of your eyes where the wrinkles are called crows’ feet, or in the nasolabial folds between your nose and mouth.

Botox has many uses in the medical community. It is considered an effective treatment for excessive perspiration, facial tics, and other conditions. It is widely used because it is safe, effective and relatively easy to administer.

How Long Does it Last?

Botox is temporary. People usually return for treatment after four to six months.

However, your results will depend on many variables such as your age, skin condition, and whether you smoke.

What are the Side Effects?

Most people do not experience any serious side effects of Botox. You may feel some pain at the site of the injection and see some redness, bruising or inflammation.

Some patients experience other side effects like fatigue, neck pain, headaches or muscle spasms. If you experience any of these conditions after receiving Botox injections, you should talk to a medical professional right away.

B. Juvederm

How Does it Work?

Juvederm is another popular skin treatment which also avoids the risks and expense of plastic surgery while providing a youthful, refreshed look.

Juvederm differs from Botox which blocks the movement of muscles for a limited period of time. Instead, Juvederm is a filler which uses gel to create volume in areas of the face.

Like Botox, it creates a natural and smooth look. Like Botox, it is also applied through injections directly into the skin.

Juvederm differs from Botox by its ingredients. Botox is derived from bacteria called botulinum toxin type A, the bacteria that causes botulism. Juvederm made from hyaluronic acid, a soft tissue dermal filler.

Hyaluronic acid exists in your skin already, but as we age, its volume decreases. Losing HA makes your face lose its structure and youthful shape. Juvederm adds it back in so you can look like you did twenty years ago.

Where is Juvederm Used?

Juvederm has several different products including Voluma and Ultra XC. The Juvederm fillers differ in their various concentrations of hyaluronic acid and how the molecules bond with each other.

Juvederm is widely used for the folds between your nose and mouth, the marionette lines under the mouth, and on the jawline.

Juvederm is also used around the lips and in the lips themselves to plump them up.

Some doctors use this product for facial contouring to improve the appearance of scars, including for acne scars.

Generally, the difference between Juvederm and Botox is that Juvederm works best on facial wrinkles that appear when your face is at rest and Botox is best for the wrinkles that appear when your face is moving.

How Long Does it Last?

If you get Juvederm injectibles, you will see the results almost immediately.

The effects can last six months to a year, but every patient is different. Like with Boto, factors like your age, skin condition and general health will affect the longevity of the treatment.

Generally, Juvederm does have longer lasting effects than Botox.

What are the Side Effects?

Juvederm, like Botox, usually feels only like a quick pinprick. You can ask your doctor to apply a topical anesthetic like lidocaine if injections make you very uncomfortable.

You should avoid the sun, heavy exercise, and drinking alcohol for a day or two after you receive the treatment.

Doctors advise that you should not use Juvederm or other fillers if you are pregnant or nursing.

Some patients experience some pain, itching redness or swelling afterward. You can continue with your normal daily activities, but you may want to delay any important social events until a few days after your injections. Most side effects subside within a day or two.

Juvederm vs. Botox: The Choice is Yours

Both Botox and Juvederm are wonderful options for patients who would like to look their best but are not ready to undergo more extensive plastic surgery.

They offer men and women a relatively easy and cost-effective way to have youthful looking skin without the pain, expense and longer recovery times needed for facelifts eye lifts and other cosmetic procedures.

Always discuss with a medical professional what pharmaceutical product is best for your particular body, lifestyle, and needs.

If you are interested in learning more about these treatments and other ways to look your best, contact us.

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