Laser Hair Removal: 4 Do’s

Unwanted body hair can be inconvenient. You’re afraid to wear sleeveless clothes for fear of exposing your underarm hair to everyone. You need to constantly shave and almost always end up nicking yourself up. You hate shaving but don’t see any other way out of this cycle.

With laser hair removal services in Carlsbad, though, you don’t have to suffer through any of these any longer. However, before you can say goodbye to all that unwanted hair, here are a few things you have to remember:

1. Leave the hair alone.
WebMD says to stop any plucking, waxing and electrolysis six weeks before your treatment. That way, you still have plenty of hair roots for the laser to target. Not enough root hairs will make it harder for the laser to get rid of all your unwanted hair since there’s no root to target or remove.

2. Keep out of the sun.

Spending too much time out in the sun could damage your skin and compromise the results of the treatment. After the treatment, your skin would be much too sensitive so keep out of the sun six weeks after the treatment. If you don’t, you could end up with pigmentation and other skin problems. This is why it’s best to schedule your treatment during the winter season and never during summer. If you’ve got plans to sip mai tais at the beach and lounge around in the sun, you’ll need to postpone those plans until the treatment is done or you simply move your treatment date to a later date.

3. Shave or trim when D-day comes.
You’ll need to trim the hair but make sure your hair isn’t very long. Don’t shave too close to the skin, either, to leave enough roots for the laser treatment. Not sure how long is long? No worries. You can ask your doctor for help.

4. Find a reliable specialist.
Make sure you hire an expert or someone’s who’s already had experience with the process. That’s going to go a long way to ensuring you get quality, top-notch service. Specialists also work faster and know their way around so you won’t have to worry about complications happening during the procedure. With a professional, you know you’ll be in excellent hands.

So don’t let unwanted body hair dictate what you can and can’t wear. Say goodbye to all that unwanted hair through fast, easy and hassle-free laser treatments.

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